Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2013

What is an App?

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 10:18 AM

what is an appToday’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner we are going attempt answer the question, ‘What is an app?”

Today I will briefly explain:

What is an App?

What is the difference between a Native app and a Web app?

Don’t worry – the difference is easy to remember!

What is an App?

App is short for ‘application’.  A computer application is what most have referred to in the past as a computer program.  Software program even!

When the word app became popular I remember all the commercials going on and on about ‘We have an APP for that!”

My picture above is what most people see on the face of those fancy phone now days.  They are touch screen, and you push on one of the logos – and the program starts up.

Yes, its like doubling clicking on a program to open it up. You use your finger instead, because the screen is meant for fingers – not mouse clicks!

Just last week we had leak in the roof, and the water was coming into one of the teenager’s rooms.  I asked my daughter's boyfriend if he wouldn’t mind looking in the attic to see where the water was coming from, and if we needed to cover the area until the roofers got here. 

Once he was up there?  It dawned me that a flashlight just MAY help him!  He told me it wasn’t needed, and he whipped out his Apple Iphone – clicked on an ‘app’ called flashlight…and there was LIGHT!  The next thing I know he also clicked on another app to take pictures of where the leak was coming from.

Yep, they have an app for that!

App – to me anyway – is internet slang for computer program.  It’s the new and improved LINGO of this generation!

Now keep in mind there are two different types of apps that most people refer to.   Yes, I’m sure there will be more in the future!  Let’s start with the two basic ones!

You have what you call a Native App, or a Web App.  Most of the time people do not use those terms (they just call them an app), but there is a difference.  Read on, and you can impress your FRIENDS and FAMILY! (giggles)

Native App

Most of the software programs that come preinstalled on our computers in the past are Native Apps.  Yes, that could include your operating system – like Vista, or Windows XP.

One small program I use from time to time is called, ‘Calculator’.  Microsoft Word is another one that I use to write letters.  The flashlight app I spoke about?  That also is a Native app.

All I have to do is turn on the computer, and I can use those programs without the use of the internet.  The native app is installed directly into the operating system of the computer. 

No internet required!

In other words, I can write a letter in my word process, use the calculator to balance the check book, and click on flashlight – all without having to be ON the internet!

Yes, you may get updates to your programs online.  The big difference you need to see today is you don’t NEED to be online to use them!

Web App

With a web app you may have to download some software at the beginning, or small updates from time to time.  The big difference here is if you want to use the program? 

Internet Required!

For example, Facebook has an app that people use on their fancy phones we see today.  If they didn’t have access to the internet (internet is turned on)?  They can open the facebook app all they want to, but they can’t ‘use’ it to read the friend’s notes, or post one themselves.

Its much the same principal as clicking on your Internet Explorer Icon on your desktop to go online, and yet if your computer isn’t connected to the internet.   The window may open, but you can’t ‘surf the net’ can you?

I hope I explained it well enough for everyone to understand.  I tried to keep it pretty simple!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner, and today’s lesson on “What is an App?”

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What is a Hashtag?

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 11:34 AM

Today’s How-To Guide for the computer beginner  We are going to talk about Hashtags!

Topics Covered today are:

  • What is a Hashtag?
  • What does Hashtag Mean?
  • How do you use Hashtags?

What is a hashtag?

What is a HashtagIn a nutshell it’s the number sign on your keyboard.  See my picture?  That symbol is used (Shift Key and Hit 3 on your keyboard), and then you add a keyword or acronym afterwards.  OH, and just so I don’t forget?  NO spaces of any kind…EVER!

Confused yet?  I understand….believe me!

Lets see a couple of examples of ‘what is a hashtag’ in hopes it will help you understand.  Its one of those types of examples of showing you MAY help more than just TELLING you!

What does Hashtag mean?

As I sit writing to you I have a group of young men screaming at the television while watching the Chicago Blackhawks, and the Boston Bruins playing for the Stanley Cup.

Tonight the hashtags people use are #Blackhawks or #Bruins.   Let me show you a tweet I found when I googled for an example.

how do you use hashtags
ABC 7 in Chicago tweeted this to all their followers on tweeter.

Notice #Blackhawks or #Bruins?  Those are hashtags.   They use those for short instead of typing out the entire team name.
So people that are searching for news on either of these teams using those hashtags (#Blackhawk #Bruins)?  They will see this tweet, and at the very end of this tweet this company used a link to their website.

This is a good example on how a company would use a hashtag to drive people to their website.  They will click on the link to read the rest of the article!

What I did next was clicked on the ABC 7 Chicago (at the very top of message), which is the company that put out this message.  If we look at how this company identifies themselves in this case on Twitter its:  @abc7Chicago.  Notice again no spaces, but you can tell they are channel 7, ABC in Chicago.  @ is what they call an ‘at’ sign.   I clicked with my mouse on their company name, and it brought me to their actual news station’s tweeter page.

What does a hashtag meanHere you will see a number of conversations going on with some of their employees.  For our example, lets use the top ‘tweet’ as they call it.  Tweet is basically one statement he (Ravi for our example) put out.

Notice Ravi’s first line?  Tweeter lists his name, and his tweeter screen name.  From the looks of it he is a Channel 7 Employee. 

Ravi Baichwal ‏(@BaichwalABC7 is his tweeter screen name) Notice the ‘AT” sign – @.

People that are looking to have a conversation about the Blackhawks, and search for this hashtag  (#Blackhawks) on twitter?  His conversation will come up!  They can join in, or find another person to talk with.

Keep in mind that on twitter they are only allowed I believe its 140 characters, and that includes spaces.  Tweets are to be SHORT and SWEET!

Now I’m going to click on Ravi’s name to view HIS twitter account, and view the rest of his conversation with his viewers.
how do you use a hashtag
When you hit the expand button under his statement you can view the conversation. 
@BaichwalABC7 totally #onfire like the playoffs song that I can not get out of my head! #lightemup
Here is his first response from someone reading his message.  You notice they used his screen name (@BaichwalABC7) to address him, and they also used two additional keywords or hashtags (#onfire, #lightemup) in their message to him.  This individual wants to have a conversation WITH this employee at ABC Chicago, along with others discussing the game.  As you tell by the picture the conversation continues with other people as well.

In a nutshell, a hash tag is simply a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic and to begin a conversation.  In the case above?  The hockey game everyone is screaming about here tonight!  Ravi spoke about the Hockey game, and others joined in to have a conversation online.

A hashtag is a word or acronym used to describe a tweet in order for people to easily follow the conversation.  A Tweet is basically very simple message an individual types out and posts on their Twitter account.  Remember their statements themselves are called ‘tweets’. 

So if you have a sports nut in your home, and they watched the game tonight?  They can talk up a storm with their favorite Sports newscaster in this case at Channel 7 news in Chicago, or EVEN the weather man for that matter.  Instead of typing out Chicago Blackhawks or Boston Bruins – they use their hashtags for short.  They also have their conversation in real time with the individual online.

How do you use hashtags?

Celebrities tweet out about their day, and their fans can tweet them back if they want to.  They may talk about about their new movie, or event.  They would use a hashtag to basically abbreviate these events to their fans.

Churches or Companies use social media to get the word out about an event, or something special that happened that day.

Another example would be to get a companies attention if you have an issue with them.

I had a friend of mine that was the President of his Townhouse Association, and they were having problems getting answers from the local cable company.  They were fighting back and forth about WHERE to lay the cables.  The company representatives were being uncooperative (in his view), and he went to twitter to complain about it. 

He used the hashtag with the company name (#cablecompany for example) to tell the world they were NOT cooperating or returning his calls. 

For example:  #cablecompany not returning my calls about problem in our area!

Corporate Headquarters saw his tweet?  They contacted him right away, and his issues were taken care of INSTANTLY!  They didn’t want negative tweets about their company on twitter!  They found him by searching the hashtag and keyword or acronym that they use for their company name – in this case I used #cablecompany for our example here.

Companies, Organizations, or Individuals that want to GET the conversation going make up hashtags, and promote them to start the conversation.

Keep in mind people will announce what hashtag they plan to use.  I wanted to throw in a FUNNY example that I read about this week.  The Southern Baptist Convention happens every year about this time.  They use SBC for short in most of their communication to their members so they don’t have to write out their entire name each time. 

Most organizations will make a unique hashtag for each event or campaign. So in this circumstance many people were using #SBC2013.  It would make sense right?  Their 2013 convention? 

The funny part was another organization was already using this hashtag. (giggles) The ‘Sports Bra Convention’ – can you imagine?  So they were putting out the word to their members what hashtag they wanted them to use for the convention, and ask them NOT to use SBC2013.  (Laughs!)

Here is another example - keeping with my sports theme today I will use a Dr. Pepper commercial that was VERY successful during a SuperBowl Game.  People saw the hashtag at the end of the commercial?  The next thing you know the social media conversation STARTED!  Below I placed an arrow next to their hashtag.

dr pepper hashtag

The spot was part of the brand’s ongoing “Always One of a Kind” slogan, and it aimed to get people excited about their originality and unique traits. The accompanying hashtag was simply #ImA.  No doubt Dr. Pepper loved the attention, and FREE media buzz!

I’m A (insert your personality trait) commerical

Above is the Commercial you can see on Youtube about the Dr. Pepper’s #Ima campaign, and I would bet even to this day you can buy those red tee shirts announcing it to the world!   For example:

“I’m a Gardener!” or
“I’m a Runner!”,
“I’m a Artist!”

You fill in your own unique and wonderful trait!  Yep.  That whole conversation started by using a hashtag.

I know today I spoke about ‘twitter’ a lot, but you will notice that other social media sites at this point use hashtags as well.  I think most people refer to the twitter, because using them became popular on Twitter first from what I remember.  It seems you now see hashtags everywhere!

Some hashtags you can figure out what the conversation is about, other times you need to ask – or google the hashtag and see what comes UP!

Just remember!  No spaces of any kind EVER when using hashtags.  So Yeah at times you have to use your imagination as to WHERE the spaces may be in order to understand what the HECK they are talking about! (been there myself!)

So I hope I helped you figure how your answer to “What is a Hashtag?” today!

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Subscription Box
Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner
lesson today on “What is a HashTag?”

Sunday, May 19, 2013

What is a Cloud?

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 6:45 PM

Cloud Computing Australia

What is the Cloud?

Today we are going to write about the term ‘The Cloud”.

No doubt you have heard the term before either in print, or in the media.

What is the Cloud?  Its basically a fancy word for online storage space.

Storing something in the cloud is basically storing something on what they call a computer server at a different location.    If you look at the picture those TALL machines (on the right and left) are examples of computer servers.

Confused yet?  Let me give you a more basic example!

Where is the Cloud?

yahoo email old screen grab

Let’s say you have an email account at home with Yahoo, and you sign into your Yahoo account to see if you have any emails (the above picture).  The server at Yahoo SENDS those emails to your account so you can read them (From your web browser or internet browser).  Those emails were basically being stored on the server, and that technically is in the ‘cloud’.  Yahoo’s servers ARE the storage space.  They are the ‘cloud’ in this example.

In this case, Where is the Cloud?  At Yahoo!

email inbox

No doubt you have noticed the folders in your email program similar the ones  I have pictured here.  The inbox, Draft, Sent, Bulk, Trash, and in this case a custom folder the computer user made called ‘purchases’.

Unless you delete the emails in these folders they will forever be stored in the ‘cloud’ at Yahoo.  They will be there each and every time you sign into your yahoo email account online.  Your emails are stored at Yahoo on their computer servers (their cloud), and can be accessed anywhere you sign into your email account.

Yes, ANYWHERE you sign IN!

Other basic examples of Clouds would be Facebook, Google Doc’s, or Flicker.

The all have their own servers, so those are all different Clouds!  People can upload their documents to Google Doc’s, or pictures to Flicker!  Depending on the service access to your files, pictures, etc can be limited to you, a group you choice, or open to the public.  You need to read the terms for each location.

What do you do in the Cloud?

Lets say for example, you are at Fran’s house on vacation.  You are expecting some pictures from your grandchildren’s soccer game, and they were going to email them to you.  Fran tells you to use her computer to see if they have emailed them to you yet, because she wants to see them TOO!

You go to the Yahoo website, and you sign into your account – like you do at home! Since your emails are stored on the yahoo cloud – and NOT your home computer – you can access your new emails from Fran’s house.   Now you and Fran are enjoying the soccer pictures! 

It would be the same principal if you stayed a hotel near Fran’s house, and the lobby of the hotel has a computer with internet connection for their guests to use. Yahoo’s servers (the cloud) will send those emails to you WHERE EVER you are!  As long as you don’t delete the email those pictures will stay in cloud for as LONG as you keep them there!

Another example of how to use the cloud would be to upload those soccer pictures to flicker, or some other site you choose to display your photos!  This would be a separate cloud, because they have their own servers.  Granted, some sites like google have many different aspects to their services.  For example, they are connected to youtube.  So your Google Docs and Youtube Videos are both on GOOGLE clouds – or their servers.

Most of the time when we speak of computer storage it refers to our computer itself!  For example, you are starting to write a article using your Word Program about your trip to Germany for a newsletter.  When you are done working on it for the day you ‘save it’ on the computer’s hard drive, disk drive, or maybe even a CD Rom for example.  All your work is saved, and you can finish it later!

The cloud has the same principal of storage, but the storage is ONLINE! 

What is Cloud Computing?

So you are still at Fran’s house, and she is going to Germany next year.  She wants to see what you have written so far about your trip!  Unless you have your computer with you, or your disk drive, or CD rom you won’t be able to show her.  Right?  You would have to be at YOUR computer at home to open it, and then show her the story for the newsletter.

Now if you have stored your article in the Cloud (online storage server), and your friend Fran has a computer with internet connection?  You can sign into that storage cloud where your file is – place the computer file in HER word program – and she can read it.  In some cases you can even read it online IN the cloud itself (in the computer browser)!

Let me use a more basic example!

So lets pretend that you uploaded your Germany article to Google docs (short for documents).  While you are at Fran’s house you can both read the article, and lets say Fran sees you have misspelled a word.  You can correct your grammar right there, and once you get home the document will still be corrected.  Yes, its similar to how you SAVE your work on your computer as well!  You are basically doing it online!

The cloud is a place some people use as a backup for their computer files.  That way if their computer broke, or a tragedy happened like your house caught on fire?  The computer maybe gone, but your files are still in the CLOUD online.  Think of it as ‘off sight’ storage!

Businesses can use the cloud in a similar way as we saw Fran help you with your misspelled word on your article.  They can have a group project ‘in the cloud’, and the employees can all work on the project in REAL TIME!  For example, Jack wants to add a picture to make the point more clear.  Jane feels a graph is also needed.  Jack could be in New York, and Jane could be in Texas.  Since they are in cloud?  They can both add these things, and they the both can see the additions. 


I hope these basic examples of What is the Cloud, Where is the Cloud, What do you do in the Cloud, and What is Cloud Computing helps you understand these terms more.

If something is not clear, or you feel something should be added to our lesson? Please feel free to leave your comment or question in section we provided.

Also please subscribe by leaving your email in the box supplied, and you will received future lessons by email as they come out.

Thank you for reading our How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How-To Close a Browser Window

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 5:47 AM

Today’s How-to Guide for the Computer Beginner is going to cover:  How-to Close a browser window

If you look at the top right hand side of your web browser?  You will see something similar to this: web browser buttons_thumb

One way to close a web browser window is clicking on the “x”.  Your browser windows should close.  click-x-to-close-browser


The second way is look to the top, and find the menu bar. You should see ‘file’ (click on it), and as I have pictured you can go all the way to the bottom to ‘exit’.  You would click again on EXIT this time.  This also would close your browser window.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What is a web browser? Browser window?

2 Comments so far Posted by Hannah on 7:58 AM

what-is-a-browser When I speak to my friends about computers I sometime forget they may not know the basic terms, since  they are a computer beginner after all.

I get these confused looks and questions like:

What a browser?
What is a web browser?

What is a browser window?

I think to myself, “Oh boy!  I guess that would help huh?”  Dahhhhh to me!

Today’s How-to Guide for the Computer Beginner is, “What is a browser or Web Browser?”  We will also touch on Browser windows.

What is a Browser?  What is a web browser?

Browser is a short name for web browser.   YEP!  They are the same thing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How-To change mouse cursor or pointer

3 Comments so far Posted by Hannah on 6:27 PM

In the last couple of lessons we have spoken about the mouse options.  We started with right click, left click, double click, etc.

The last time in our tutorial I spoke about the mouse pointers, or computer pointers.

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner lesson is normally asked one of these ways:

How do you change the mouse cursor?

How to change your computer cursor?

How to change the computer pointer?

As you can see people call it different things.  I normally refer to it as a computer pointer.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Internet Explorer Delete Browsing History Menu

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 2:12 PM

Delete-Browsing-HistoryToday’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner we will go into more detail about Internet Explorer’s:

Delete Browsing History Tab.

Keep in mind at times people do shorten the name Internet Explorer. 

Most people will refer to this as IE. 

It is basically just the initials of
Internet Explorer.

If you come across IE9.  It means Internet Explorer Version 9.   The number represents the version of IE or Internet Explorer.

So Today’s lesson could also be termed as, “

IE delete browsing history’


Friday, June 24, 2011

What is a URL?

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 11:17 AM


What is a URL?  That is a fancy way of saying the website address.


U is for Universal, R is for Resource, and  is for Locator.


What is a URL Address


Every page on the internet has its own unique URL address.   Today I’m creating a page named, “What is a URL?” 

We will go over the basics of ‘what is a URL’ is first, and then I will explain what I mean by each page as its own different address.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Version of Internet Explorer do I have?

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 6:31 PM

From time to time people need to know what version of internet explorer they are using, but don't know where to look.

At the top of your internet explorer browser window (you are reading this site in a browser window) you may see a question mark (blue arrow) or you need go to the left edge of the browser screen to find the button that looks similar to two arrows '>>' (red arrow). You are looking for your help button in your internet explorer browser. HIT the help button!

You then normally have some options under the help section, and you are looking for 'About Internet Explorer'. Click your 'about internet explorer' button, and a window similiar to the one below should open.

Internet Explorer Browser Version

What Internet Explorer Version do you have? Hmmmm. Looks like we have version 6.0 pictured above!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Java Won't Work? We have answers!

1 Comment so far Posted by Hannah on 9:33 AM

java not working This little guy is called Duke the Java Mascot! What is Java? Chances are your computer may already have Java. If you have seen any multimedia type of things on your computer chances are good Java is what helping you see it!

(Later Note:  I have noticed with newer computer Java is NOT included.  You want to install it.)

Today’s How-To Guide for the Computer Beginner is about problems with java

I get emails:

java issues
java problems
java not working
java issue
problems with java
java troubleshooting
java security issues

I think you get the picture!

Let's go over what java is, where to find it, and then fix our issues with java in that order!

Program Section JavaIf you look in your programs section on your computer, and you don’t have Java?  It’s a free download, and you will USE it!

Part of Java's definition is: Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few...

How do you know if you have Java? On the homepage of Java you can actually see the wording, "Do I have Java?".

Do you have Java?
Yes, what is neat about the Java Site is they will tell you if you have Java or NOT!  Just click the words, “Do I have Java” on the Java Homepage for the answer.

See my picture below, and keep in mind the Java home page may have changed..but that prompt will be there (look below free download button)!

In case you get a security question from your computer firewall asking if this is a safe and reputable site? I would place it in your trusted zone so you don't have issues in the future.  Yes, Java is a very trusted site.

Java Homepage Free Download

With many other programs you get on the internet you are at times asked to update your version. They are basically telling you that they have come up with a new and improved version. 

In most cases you want to take advantage of this update, but if you have any doubts?  You can also search the internet about the update to see if people are having problems with it.  I would say most of the time?  You are fine.

The reason I started this lesson is because some of my friends had more than one version of Java on their computer, and going to some of the sites that they used Java for were giving them problems all of a sudden.   This is the quickest troubleshooting resolution I could come up with!

They normally had errors along the lines of:
java virtual machine not working
java script issues
or basically the screen to the chat room went blank.

HelpBytes has other error messages listed with solutions.  The Java Site also has a help section.

If they looked at their list of programs (add and delete program section) they had Java 6 and Java 7, etc. Those were added when they are asked to update the Java. You could have 3 or more versions of this program, and I have found it causes nothing but problems down the line!

Computers and programs also just can be strange.  The update can be seen to the machine as ‘wrong’, and you have all kinds of problems from there.  Don’t ask me why – machines just don’t have common sense.

For example, one night you go into a chat room and everything is fine.  You update something, and the next time you go to say HELLO to friends?  The computer just refuses to cooperate.  Java isn’t just for chat rooms, but I was more using that as an example.

Have you been asked to update your Java?

Most of the time you get will an update reminder on newer operating systems. The older operation systems (Windows 95, etc.) don't always do that from what I remember.

Java Update

On your task bar  (like picture above) you at times will notice a java icon similar to ones I have pictured below. The taskbar is the area in which you will notice the reminder message to update Java.

Java IconJava Program Reminder Icon

YEP you got it – the logo is similar to a cup of coffee!

From time to time you will be reminded that you have a Java Update, and those are FINE to download! The problem I have seen is Java doesn't work as it should when you have to many different versions on your computer, or too many updates to Java.

If I know I will be updating lets say Java version Number 6 to Java Version number 7 for example....the NEW and IMPROVED version? I go to my add and delete program  section, and completely delete Java 6 before I install Java 7.

If you have don't remember doing this before you might be surprised at the number of versions you have. Its okay! Just delete ALL of versions of Java! When we install the new version of Java you won't be missing a thing! The site will replace the newest version with EVERYTHING you will need to be up to date and flying high once again!

Java is a program you will use quite a bit, but if you having issues after an update?

Delete all versions, and download a fresh copy! Chances are good your issues will disappear!

I will tell you at times certain sites will NOT keep up with the current version of Java, and the updates do you no good.  I will mention that is not the majority of the time.  Its actually very rare from what I have experienced.

Most people realize they are having problems with Java after a new update of the program, and they are no longer able to do something they had in the past.  It could be watching movies, entering a chat room, etc.  Just remove your old version of Java, and install the new version.  Chances are you are SET to go!   You don't know how to install or uninstall java or another program?  Here is a Uninstall Programs tutorial for you.

I hope our How-To Lesson for problems with Java helped you today.  If something is not clear, or you still have questions?  Please feel free to leave a comment.

Don’t forget to add your email in our subscribe box we have here.  You will have our future lessons sent directly to your email.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Help! I have a computer virus NOW WHAT??

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 7:59 PM

My father from time to time would be browsing the web, and some stinker website would tell him his computer was in trouble. He would quickly get OFF that site...freak out...and call me, "HELP! I have a virus NOW WHAT??" Yes there are sites out there that will nail you good with viruses after you clicked on something, but most often its from what you download from my experience. Those downloads are executed, and you really start having some issues! Today they are getting even more tricky! Most of the time Dad didn't have a virus, but on occasion he would get one. I still to these day don't know HOW! I would ask all the normal questions about what he was doing, and most of the time he plain couldn't remember! LOL!
anti virus computer virus One day he decided after he got another new computer, and the store had loaded up with anti virus program he did what he felt was a logical thing to do. He decided he was going to load TWO anti virus programs on his computer at once. He told me he wanted TWICE the protection! (Psssssssst! You aren't suppose to do that! It sounds good, but it can really mess up your system!) YES I did save his computer, and he didn't do that again! IT Does sound good, but save yourself and your computer from Dad's mistake - don't load more than one anti virus program on your computer!

There are some really nice free anti virus programs out there that you can try out, and later you can purchase if you are happy with them. I have spoke about some of them here!

Just to be safe! What is a computer virus? Newton BBS has a one page defination is that beginner friendly, and here is part of it! If you wish to read the entire defination click on Newton BBS to read it.
Computer viruses are programs written by "mean" people. These virus programs are placed into a commonly used program so that program will run the attached virus program as it boots, therefore, it is said that the virus "infects" the executable file or program. Executable files include Macintosh "system files" [such as system extensions, INITs and control panels] and application programs [such as word processing programs and spreadsheet programs.] Viruses work the same ways in Windows or DOS machines by infecting zip or exe files.

A virus is inactive until you execute an infected program or application OR start your computer from a disk that has infected system files. Once a virus is active, it loads into your computer's memory and may save itself to your hard drive or copies itself to applications or system files on disks you use.

WELL that is the bare basics of a defination, and recently I found a really neat website that might be helpful to others. This website is run by a computer company that works with virus and malware issues (among other things), and has some free tutorials online about how to rid yourself of them. I wanted to introduce you to this site instead of making personal recommendations since times change, and so do products! This is their business, and I would assume they will keep up on technology!

They made this site for people that already have a virus, and are trying to rid themselves of it. They want the hands on experience to do this themselves, and if they can't they have this company to help them with the rest!

If you don't have a computer virus it will introduce you to products that will keep your system up to date, and alot safer so that you DON'T get a virus! Its nice because they have a step by step tutorials, and videos along with it!

The Above was an introduction video for AntiVirus programs by Bass Computers

Help! I have a computer virus...NOW WHAT? Relax! There is help!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How to Use a Search Engine

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 10:05 PM

What is a search engine anyway?

search engine

Boy I could use that type what about you?

I guess we will have to wait for type of search engine!

Let me show you some logo's for some popular search engines for a minute!

search engine

You Recognize any of these logos? We have Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL in this picture! Goodness knows there are TONS more! Those are the ones you hear about alot! I remember when I first read about a search engine called DOGPILE, and instead of your enter button it had FETCH!

As I was watching my daugther one night after she was allowed to use the computer, and she attempted to use a search engine for homework I realized...I need to clue her in on a few basics! She was doing a project for school called, "Do my plants need carbon dioxide to grow?" She of course typed in this question, but she got some pretty limited responses. Its the same principal as the humorous picture above, except it didn't show her where the keys were!

I'm NOT saying she didn't get any results just typing in her questions 'as is', because she did get results! She just wasn't thrilled with the results she got!

Google for example sends what they called spiders to crawl the web! If you don't like spiders that doesn't sound so nice, but if you have a website that is totally awesome! Websites are being created all the time, and those spiders go out to see what is available! Search engines are the biggest card catalog of information that you library wished they had! Card Catalog Pictures, Images and Photos

YES there are websites out there that have the title of my daugther's report, and YES you can just type in your questions and see what happens! People that compose those websites may not always use that phrase, AND you could be missing out on some awesome websites elsewhere!

With search engines at times you need to think of keywords or key phrases to use. I told my daughter to remember it was a machine! If she wanted MORE information about carbon dioxide, plants, and if they needed it to grow .... TRY some different ways of asking the computer! REMEMBER the search engines are GOOD, but they don't have the human common sense factor! I told her to try CARBON DIOXIDE or CO2 than hit the space bar and then type PLANTS and see what comes up! She looked at me .... CO2? I said YES that is a different way of saying carbon dioxide right?

Google is going to look for sites that use the words carbon dioxide and plants first off. Those are first few words she typed in. I told her to use CO2 and plants to see if she came up with even BETTER results! It would be nice if the search engines were as smart as the cartoon above to tell you where you can find your keys, but they aren't that good just YET!

Google does bring up the most POPULAR sites that use the keywords or phrases you type into your search box first! Don't get scared when you see it came up with 7,000,000,000,000,000 results! YOU don't have to search that far to get your answer! If the first 2 pages of results aren't anywhere NEAR what you are looking for - try new keywords or phrases!

What is nice about search engines is let's say you are looking for a hunting ground in Galena Illinois. Make sure you include the GALENA and the state to narrow your results! Goodness knows if you type in hunting in Illinois you will come up with a heck of alot MORE results, but it may not be near Galena! Try Pizza in Tampa Florida, or African Violets in Dallas Texas! Keep in mind you don't have to get technical with search engines. 'Pizza (space) Tampa, FL" is fine!

Remember those spiders?

Those spiders crawled into websites, and the search engine will bring you the most popular sites for those keywords! There are TONS of stores that sell Pizza, but not ALL of them are in Tampa! The spiders tell Google to show the ones they CRAWLED that had the words PIZZA and TAMPA in it!

Keep in mind the phrase: you say tomato and i say tomahto

In other words in my daugther's example Carbon Dioxide or CO2 to see if you get better answers! Can't think of anything search for a thesaurus!

OHHHH! Another really neat thing about search engines? They are a really cool calculator! Need to check your child's schoolwork? Type in 15% of 125! It will give you the answer....remember its a MACHINE! 15% of 125 = 18.75... WOO HOO! What about the weather? Type in temperature in Tempe AR and it will give you the answer! Remember MACHINE, and key thing to remember.....NO common sense! Play around with it! Chances are GOOD you will come up with all kinds of neat stuff!

How to use a search engine isn't that is IT?!?!

If you have any questions, comments, or don't understand something please use the comment section at the top of the lesson. How do you do that?? Click HERE to see how to comment on a blog!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What is a Firewall?

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 9:52 PM

I am going to go over the bare basics of firewalls, and if you need more than that there are TONS of firewall information sites out there! I know when I started to learn about firewalls years ago it was overwhelming at times!

A firewall's job is basically the same thing as a physical firewall! It keeps destructive sources AWAY from your property!

If you have been using the Internet for any length of time, and especially if you use one at work you may have heard the term FIREWALL before! You might have heard some coworkers mention they can't go to a certain site, because it won't let it pass the firewall!

The above picture may be a corporate setup, or a home network. You have the Internet with all its dangers, and the firewall basically helps to filter OUT some of the items you DON'T want near your company or home computer!

If firewall sees harm it won't allow you to view the material. Firewalls aren't perfect, and they can stop you from seeing or using perfectly fine websites. It doesn't have common sense like you and I, but there are ways to help override the firewall....NOT at work though!

The best way I can to describe it.......its like a traffic cop! It decides what will come in!

Nick At Work

Firewalls use filters to calculate what it feels safe at the time. Machines use what they call IP addresses. You can think of it like your house number if you will. Firewalls will block certain IP address, and we humans just see that we can't view a website! The domain name could be blocked. The Domain here for example is:

Certain home computers will come with a firewall already installed, and other times you will need to purchase one. Its an extra layer of insurance that your computer will not come into harm. Your computer in this case would be considered the gateway. You are the access point for the computer to the Internet.

A hardware firewall would be your router if you have one at your home. You are connected to your router - that is connected to your modem...which you connect to the Internet thru! Routers can be configured to your needs, and you can set the filters to what you DON'T want in and what you do!

The firewall protects you from all kinds of crooks, nuts, and just plain NASTY people that are just looking for an unprotected computer to take advantage of!

They can take control of your computer, and run programs on it. At times they get into your personal files that you might have on the computer.

Certain programs may have they call 'backdoor' entrance. Its basically a hidden access to the program so they can control it.

They could use your email program to send out all kinds of ugly spam!

They could place an application on your computer, and basically make it crash!

It would infect your system with viruses.

Always be careful of the pop up ads, because they could place a backdoor program on your computer to use later!

There are more things that could happen, but these are just to name a few!

Firewalls have levels of protection, and I'm sure you are thinking the fullest protection possible! If you block everything it does defeat the purpose of the Internet to begin with! You can choose one of the upper levels, and as you surf the Internet tell the computer WHICH sites you know are safe!

Firewall programs do take come getting used to at times! The Vista firewall I have on my computer was a pain when I first got it! EVERY site I love to visit was blocked, and I to slowly tell the computer..........ITS OKAY ALREADY!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Set home page Firefox, Change home page in Internet Explorer

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 8:24 AM

One of the first basic computer training lessons I received was change home page in Internet Explorer. Set the home page in Firefox will also be covered today!

What is a home page? Generally the first page retrieved when accessing a Web site. When you turn on your computer, and you access the internet that first image you see is the home page.

When I first brought home my computer, and set it up and FIRED up the internet I noticed it went to page that I really didn't have much use for! I can understand the marketing efforts of the maker of the computer brand WANTING me to see their homepage, but the first thing I wanted to do was change the homepage in internet explorer. If you use Firefox it was: Change homepage in Firefox!

The reason I wanted to change the homepage was for easy access to my email account! You may have different reasons, but I wanted to check my email first thing so change home page was needed when I first got the computer!

In beginner computer training you will learn that your home page or startup page within your web browser is the same page everytime you load it. Below is a short video lesson that shows how to change your homepage:

Lets go over this computer basic just one more time!

Set Homepage in IE

Open the web browser.
Go to the webpage that you want to set as your homepage.
Look to the top of our screen to find the tools.
Then you click the tools you will see an option called internet options
Click the internet options, and then look for the General Tab
There will be a Use Current option in that window. Click that to set your homepage for the future.
Click APPLY, and the OK!

You changed home page internet explorer! Wasn't that easy?

Change homepage in Firefox

Open the web brower
Go to the webpage that you want to set as your homepage.
Look to the top of your web browser to find the tools.
Click the tools, and you will see an menu item named options.
Click the options, and find the 'use the current page' button
Click that current page, and click apply and then click OK

Your home page for Firefox is now set! Pretty neat HUH?

Change homepage in Safari

Changing the home page in Safari can be quite easy as well! Go to the page you will to change to your homepage!

Click on the Safari icon in the dock.

Click on Safari in your Safari menu, located at the top of your screen. When the drop-down menu appears, choose Preferences.

Select General from the Preferences menu, which is now overlaying your browser window. Once General is selected, you will notice a section labeled Home Page in the main window of the Preferences dialog.

Directly to the right of the "Home Page" label is an edit field containing your current home page URL or webpage.

To change this address, simply erase the contents of the edit field and replace it with the desired web address or URL to your new homepage.

Directly below this edit field you will see a button labeled Set to Current Page. Clicking this button will change your home page setting to whatever page you are currently viewing within the Safari browser.

Once you have completed your changes, close the Safari Preferences dialog by clicking the red circle/x located in the top left hand corner of the box.

Set Home page for Safari Video

Let is our Learning Computer Basics online lesson for today! I hope you now feel comfortable enough to change your homepage in Firefox, Change your Homepage in Internet Explorer (ie), or Change your homepage in Safari! As always please use the comment section if you have any questions or comments!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Getting to know your web browser!

Be the first to comment! Posted by Hannah on 8:54 AM

Part of basic computer training is learning to use the internet. Today we are going to learn about the web browser! What is a web browser? What are the parts of the web browser?

Display Window

The web browser has a 'display window' you are viewing this lesson in! Its basically the work space you are reading this computer basic lesson in! Web browsers pulls documents up on your screen!

There are a couple of different kinds of web browsers that seem to be the most popular!


IE or Internet Explorer was my first one! At one time that was pretty much all that was available as well!

Later came Mozilla FireFox as well - also very popular! There are number of different ones now of course - not just these two!

No matter what web browser you use it will have tools to navigate the web (or internet)! In addition to finding web pages (like the one you are on now), web browsers can MARK pages that interest you as well called favorites.


Most web browsers use the same basic functions, and similar navigation tools! I will use Internet Explorer in this lesson, because it seems MOST beginners start with that one! Don't worry if you use a different web browser - they all have the functions we will learn about!

Web Browsers are more similar than they are different, and all share the concept of a "start" or "home" page. This is the first Web page or website displayed after launching the program.

A default page is built into the software when you first use it, but the user may choose a different place to start. Alot of people call this their HOME page as well! I will show you how to change that home page in a different lesson.

How to Launch Web Browser

To start your web browser you may have done one of two things!

1) Double click on the icon on the desktop

Internet Explorer Icon has a big lower case 'e'.Internet Explorer

Firefox icon looks like this: cursor


2) From the Start Menu - going to programs. Then select your web browser under the program list.

Starting Page or Home Page

When your web browser starts it will immediately open a page that is set up as the starting page. Again - some people call it their home page! For example, Internet Explorer opens Microsoft's or MSN's homepage on the web (or internet).



At the VERY top of your screen is the

Title bar: Again the title bar is at the very top of your browser window; in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. You'll see the title of the Web page there; for example, you should see "Learning Computer Basics - Getting to know your web browser!" at the top of your browser window right now.


Most of the time it also tells you what web browser you are using.  Our Web Browser below is Internet Explorer.




If you move all the way to the right of the title bar you will see something that should be familiar to you.



The first is the minimize button.  The next is the Maximize button.  Then lastly, you have the close button.

IAddress Bar:  Starting from Left

Back Button and Forward Button on your web browser 


back button forward button

The first arrow is called the 'back button'. What do you do with the back button? YOU go BACK to where you were before - each click of the back button brings you back ONE page!


The opposite arrow WELL it goes the opposite direction! That is called the forward button. It goes forward one page. MOST of the time you will use the back button on your web browser.

Also, when the button is greyed like forward button pictured? It means you can’t go forward anymore.


Below is the address for my home page for this blog.  If you look at the address bar on your browser you will see this address, plus addition information.  The reason for that is each separate page on the internet has its own address.


address bar


You will hear people talk about website addresses all the time!

For example,

is pronounced, "doubleyou, doubleyou, doubleyou" or WWW then 'DOT' for the period then 'yahoo' and again 'DOT' KOM!

doubleyou - doubleyou - doubleyou - dot - yahoo - dot - KOM!

Tip: You do not have to type "http://". Your browser software assumes you want to use the http protocol since you are using a Web browser. You don't have to mention it to most people either due to that reason! Your computer ALREADY knows that part!

Web address are also called URL's which stands for Uniform Resource Locators. You don't have to know the formal name - URL is fine! You enter that web address in that long window that has either 'address' or 'GO TO' mentioned in the web browser! You hit your enter button on your keyboard or the symbol right next to the address bar and OFF you go!

Keep in mind some addresses have numbers, Dots (.), dashes (-), or underscores (_) and you will need to type those as well. Underscores reminds me of that line you use to UNDERLINE things you want to point out more strongly!

Lets move to the rest of the address bar on your web browser.

refresh stop button


The first symbol in the next set is the capability button. We aren’t going to cover that today, and not all web browsers have this button.

You see the double arrow button that almost looks like it is going in a circular motion? That is called the 'refresh button' or alot of people call it RELOAD button. There are a couple of different instances in which you may use the refresh button within the web browser.

You want the MOST up to date screen - hit the refresh button or reload button page in the browser bar!

Stop Button on your web browser

Do you see the (X) button next? That is the STOP button! Click this stop button if you want to stop loading the current page. Some sites have pages that are very large and take a long time to load. The Stop button will help stop the loading of the page, and allow you to move backwards.


home page button

Home Button on your web browser

The HOUSE button takes you back to your home page! The home button returns you to your designated "home page" or 'start page'. The place you started when you clicked the web browser to open at the beginning!


You may notice with some web browser they have more than one location for the HOME button.



Menu Bar

In Internet Explorer, the different menus available are File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools and Help.

    Slide your mouse over one of the menu options (File, Edit, View, etc.).
    The menu you've selected should be highlighted in blue.
    Click the left mouse button once. A menu will slide down.
    Slide your mouse over the item in the menu that you would like to select.
    Click once with the left mouse button to select the item.


Today you have options to add on to this bar to meet your needs.  That would be covered in the helps section depending on which web browser you use.


navigation bar in web browser


Lastly, This is the navigation bar within your web browser.  You notice the HOME button again?


The Orange symbol is the RSS feed button.  We will learn about that later.


The next button is your email, and depending on what browser you use?  You can sent this up to email someone – even yourself – directly from the browser.

Printer Button on the browser tool bar

If you want to print a page you click that!


The rest of the buttons normally are things came with your web browser when it was downloaded.  The question mark is for Help section on this bar.


Some of the symbols towards the end are tools I added myself to my web browser.

At the bottom of your web browser window, and generally on your left hand side you will have your

Status bar: Again this is the box or area at the bottom of your browser window. The status bar displays all sorts of information, depending on what you're doing at the time, but mostly it's for showing load speed and the URL of whatever address your mouse is hovering over.

For example in mine currently it says 'done' because the page is done loading. If I move to a different web page it will tell me the loading speed, or display the website. Next time you move to a different page LOOK there, and view what I'm talking about!


Keep in mind some of the newer web browsers do not have this.

Lastly, in a web browser you have the scroll bar!

Scroll Bars: If you've ever been to a website that you had to "scroll down" to read something, then you've used the scroll bars. They're just navigational/directional aids.


That is all I have for today for Learning computer basics, and Getting to KNOW your Web Browser! As always please use the comment section if you don't understand something, or if you think I missed an area! We will go into more detail in further computer online lessons!

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